Friday, April 22, 2011

My Sister

Whitney...oh Whitney.
I love my sister Whitney. She cracks me up. My friends seem to love her too, who wouldn't love her?
Well I guess haters wouldn't like her, but they're haters hate everybody. Why do I love my sister first she 's my sister, but shes also amazing. She may be thirteen years older than me but when you're in Jr. High not much changes. So basically what I'm saying without saying is when there's stupid Jr. High stuff I can talk to my sister and loosen up, so the nI doesn't bother me as much.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What I got Out of Church This Weekend

When I went to church this weekend my pastor talked about the Blessed Parables. What I got out of what he said was this...
When we look at the blessed parables and sort of  look them over. Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. We look at that thinking well hey I'll be shown mercy. But we don't pursuit what we need to do. We don't necessarily show mercy. When that's what we need to be doing. It made me think that in order to get my reward in heaven I need to show mercy, and show love and life my life like Christ as much as possible.

Friday, April 15, 2011


You know there's one person that  I go to school with, that really inspires me. I was looking at their class ring and inside it said,  Focused Future. Later I asked them about it and they said that it was something that pastor Jerry had to them a while ago. They has some more letters on the ring that he said meant Give God Glory. I've been going all day thinking about that. When job was in his trialing times what did he do? He gave God the glory. I knew that this person had a heart for God, but i was never sure how big of a heart, now I know. Another thing that person told me was that there was somethings that he would never do because he cares to much about the stuff he does, and those things would screw just screw it up. Now I know that this person doesn't know how  much they mean to me, but let me tell you they mean a lot. But the problem is this, when I look and talk to this person, I feel  like  I need to cry, not only that but  I start shaking. And I feel like god has placed this person in my life to reassure me that there's light at the end of all my tunnels.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Brother Justin

I love this picture, not only because it's my brother but it reminds me of when my brother was in high school. Probably because he is in high school, but you know. When my brother was in high school you know he didn't seem to like me very much, but little did I know he did. I know that because the day he left for college, he waled out of the house crying after we had talked, and hugged and exchanged I love you. Then he made a comment to my little brother about a big brother job to protect the little sister. And well I'm the only little sister, so you know. I miss going to football games, and rodeos etc. My brother means a lot to me so I guess that's why this picture brings back good memories for me.  The problem is that this picture also makes me feel like I need to cry, because my brother now lives on our ranch, not with us, he's gone to rodeos, and practices and he comes around while I'm at school. So I'm hoping that he'll come and go shoot clay pigeons on my birthday, but he could be too busy, or just not want to.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


You know you only find a couple amazing friends, mine's Sammie.
When  I go away to college, I'm gonna go near her, we'll hopefully be graduating the same year. My focus is gonna be academics, my siblings and my quality time with Sammie. Sammie keep in mind that no matter what I'm here and I love you to death. Your like my sister. You are amazing, fabulouse and I love you bunches.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Darn It....

Jr. High gotta love it...NOT!!!
Ok, so I have some nervous habits and they drive me crazy!!! My palms get sweaty, I can't talk, I laugh at retarded stuff and I can't make eye contact oh, and I can't remember what I was  going to say, or I think it'll come out weird so I say I'll tell them later. They wouldn't be half bad if they didn't happen right when I walked into the school, or had to read out loud, or talk to classmates. GRRR!
Why does Jr. High have to be so complicated?!? Enlighten me please.
For instance, my history teacher Ms. Sloan, called on me I knew the answer to the question it just came out like this...uhnaashmoinoishah. I don't give people high fives unless my hands were just washed or they haven't been sweating, because that's just nasty. Someone asked me for some skittles, and they were in my hands. They asked I said that they're more than likely covered in my hand sweet and they said they didn't care so I gave them some. Then they ate them and jokingly said they taste a little salty. Ok I hate my nervous corks.  So many things have happened because of my nervous corks that I get made fun of for. ( In a loving way but still getting made fun of.)          

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well I already have two dogs, one cat and eight horses, but I either want to be able to call one of our horses my own, or get one of my own. But I also really want a goat. not just any goat, I want a mini billy goat. I want a goat because the in the summer I won't have to do the  weeding the goat will. I also want a St. Barnard, for my graduation present. So I already know how I'm going to get my dog, but I don't think my mom will ever let me get a goat. Below is a list of the animals I want...and don't want.

  • Goat- named Billy (even if it's a girl)
  • St Barnard- named Dog
  • Scottish Highlander  ( mini cow)
  • A ranch full of Angus cows. (red Angus or black I really don't care.)

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

Personally I hate april fools!!! Expecally this year.  To me all april fools is, is an excuse for people to ask mean questions and be rude.  Then act like they know it all. So personally I hate april fools. actually there is nothing I like about it. So thats just what I think.