Sunday, March 27, 2011

Elma Washington

You know, I usually don't watch the rodeos, I walk around a socialize. This time we were in Washington, and there was nobody there that I knew. Not that I don't watch, I just watch the people I know then move on. But this time  I watched and I enjoyed it. The clown, was really fun to watch in between competitors. He danced and joked around, they had a dance off, and called this lady out from the stands. She didn't really dance as well as the clown, but they said she won, and then her boyfriend came out and proposed. They called it the life changing experience. Mind you she had no idea what was going on. It was sweet. We brought along the people my sister and he hubby have been living with and their kids. They had never been to a rodeo before so they were fascinated with everything that was happening. Sadly all the traveling and not getting home until three in the morning is over. And I truly do mean that, I could spend my whole life traveling, but I have to go to school and get an education. But I guess in a few years I'll be able to travel to my hearts content.

P.S...My dad and brother IL were performing in the rodeo.


  1. Nice to know Val. I HATE clowns. But, that's probably because of the horror movie (the poltergeist) i watched yesterday. Ooo. Goosebumps

  2. well, maybe the feeling is mututal for the clowns. LOL

  3. Thats anoother thing, horror movie? What is with you people? Maybe I think so porly of the horror movies because Lord of The Rings gives me night mares. Did you know that Lord of The Rings was written by a christian?

  4. WOW!! THANX DR.SUESS!!! JK> Anyways, I love horror movies... Even if I can't sleep for a couple days afterwards

  5. Ok, now this is justm y personal opinion...
    Horror movies are creeper starus. Who wants to voluntarily have nightmares?
