Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Christianity???

You know that anser is very easy for me, because God has been there for me when it seemed no one else was. You know when I was in the "darkness," God was there holding my hand. When I was confused about life God was there to make things clear to me. God has been my slavation and with out him life wouln't be life it would be, gaaahhhnnnneeewamfhdfuhfihFGuigdfghzdukgDOIFGHdkfjhgalxfkjhgudfhgjxdfhguxhvadsfg. So ya.


  1. I agree. But what is the word at the end? :0)
    Life wouldn't be life without Him. Praise be to God.

  2. I think you meant SALVATION... not slavation.. Haha that's funny
